This class is designed to transition the inland kayaker to become an independent coastal paddler
If you are wondering if this class is for you, then the answer is yes.
This course was designed based on feedback from paddlers wanting to make the transition from paddling inland rivers and bays to the open waters of the Pacific Coast. It was designed to help get you through the transition onto the coast.
To paddle on the coast you need the ability to get from the shore to open water, and back. So on day 1 we will work on skills such as identifying and reading the surf zone, holding position in that zone, bracing, side surfing, launching & landing. And how to plan for a trip including day 2.
On day 2 we will go beyond the surf zone and explore the open coast. Where we may find arches, caves and the ability to be where you have gazed while looking from the oceans shores.
We will focus on paddling as a team, including how to explorer the coast and give your team the skills to help out when someone is in need. Current coastal paddlers can also get a lot out of this class as each student will be have the opportunity to be individually challenged increasing and developing there skills.